
Open call for the Pavilion of Finland at the Venice Biennale 2017

Frame Visual Art Finland invites proposals for the Pavilion of Finland at the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017.

Frame Visual Art Finland is seeking project proposals that examine independence as something formed through complex processes of dependence – ranging from natural resources and labour, language and religion to geopolitics, international commerce and law. The logic of exclusion, forgetting and silencing, is also to be recognised as foundational in the construction of national identity.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence in 2017, we face an urgent need to reflect on how this is enfolded within the many histories as well as possible futures in a global realm ravaged today by many simultaneous, intertwined crises. The Pavilion of Finland, located in the Giardini in Venice, offers an acute critical context for this reflection.

Proposals may be submitted by a curator working together with an artist or vice versa. The curator and the artist can be individual or a collective. The artists must be based in Finland or be Finnish citizens.

The deadline for the applications is 10 January 2016. The international jury will invite 3–5 applicants to develop their proposals further. Each applicant invited to the second phase will receive a fee of 2000 euros, which can be used for covering work and travel costs as well as other expenses related to the project.

In April 2016, one project will be selected to be realised for the Pavilion of Finland at the Venice Biennale 2017. In addition to the Biennale exhibition, an extensive programme of research and debate as well as a publication will be produced based on the outcome of the open call.

The jury members

Taru Elfving, Head of Programme, Frame Visual Art Finland
Katerina Gregos, Curator and Writer
Sarat Maharaj, Curator, Professor, Lund University
Leevi Haapala, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma
Maaretta Jaukkuri, Curator
Patrik Söderlund, Artist, Venice Biennale 2015
Chaired by Raija Koli, Director of Frame Visual Art Finland

Pavilion of Finland

For the floor map and images of the Alvar Aalto Pavilion of Finland, please visit our image bank.

Application guidelines

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by a curator working together with an artist or vice versa. The curator and the artist can be an individual or a collective. The artists must be based in Finland or be Finnish citizens.

What are the requirements?

A curatorial statement describing the relevance of the artist(s) in the context of the proposed critical framework and the Venice Biennale.
The project must have a curator with experience in curating international exhibitions and managing complex projects, budget control and project reporting, and who is committed to realise the project in schedule and to participate in meetings with the artist(s) and with the commissioner.
The artist(s) must have significant exhibition experience in Finland and/or internationally.

How do I apply?

The proposal shall include in pdf-form

A concise outline of the proposal (max 5 A4)
Name and CV of curator
Name, CV and portfolio of artist(s)
Send your proposal, written in English, to Frame Visual Art Finland by 10th January 2016 by email Venice2017@frame-finland.fi. The proposal cannot be sent by post.

All supporting material (images, video, sound) must be stored online and shared via weblinks. We encourage the use of platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo so that the material can be accessed without downloading. Alternatively, you can send the images compiled in one pdf-file.

What is the procedure?

Deadline for the submission of the proposals by 10 January 2016
Shortlisted proposals must submit a detailed plan by 15 March 2016
Personal presentation of the proposals to the jury and the final selection in April 2016.

More information

Raija Koli, Director, Frame Visual Art Finland, raija.koli@frame-finland.fi

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