
GIBCA and MOMENTUM Present their 10th Editions

Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art 2019 – Part of the Labyrinth and MOMENTUM10 – The Emotional Exhibition have the pleasure of inviting you to a discussion and book release hosted by Iaspis/Konstnärsnämnden

Date: Thursday 11 April 2019
Time: 3.00-4.30 pm

Light refreshments to follow.

Venue: Iaspis, Konstnärsnämnden
Maria skolgata 83, 118 53 Stockholm, Sweden

Language: English

RSVP by 5 April to lm@iaspis.se

Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA) and MOMENTUM Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art, Moss, Norway will in 2019 both be at the 10th edition. This calls for celebration.

Momentum and GIBCA have in time contributed to consistent lines of discourse in the international art field, while attempting to have a relevant input to the local scene. Now, ten editions later, they are looking into the current connotations and practices of being international and the responsibility of acting local. Part of our locality is also the partnership with other Nordic biennials, active in similar contexts and often driving complementary social and artistic questions, as well as with the broader field of art professionals advocating the Nordic contemporary art field. Momentum and GIBCA map the premises of a decentralized Nordic art scene and discuss the current potential in the biennial format.

Meet the curators Lisa Rosendahl and Marti Manen in conversation and find out more on their plans for the coming GIBCA and Momentum. Join us at Iaspis, a place dedicated to international meetings and exchange in Stockholm, for this collective public presentation of the two biennials and discuss the relevance, responsibility and role of this exhibition format today and in the future.


Welcome by Johan Pousette, Director Iaspis

Presentation by Dag Aak Sveinar, director Momentum, and Ioana Leca, Artistic Director GIBCA, on the respective biennials and their Nordic perspective- what does Nordic mean for Momentum and GIBCA and how they see these biennials in the future.

Introductions by Marti Manen, curator of Momentum10 – introduction to Momentum10 The emotional exhibition, and Lisa Rosendahl, curator of the 10th edition of GIBCA- introduction to Part of the Labyrinth.

Conversation between Lisa Rosendahl and Marti Manen. They will discuss the relation between international and local focus within the biennial structures they work with.

Moderator: Frida Sandström.

MOMENTUM10 The Reader will be launched. Publisher Art and Theory, Stockholm.

The event is organized in collaboration by GIBCA, Momentum and Iaspis, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual and Applied Artists.